Lab Innovations 2023: Performing Complex Product Demos Outside The Lab

We recently attended Lab Innovations 2023 at the NEC Birmingham. We showcased the MARTECH3D platform to thousands of attendees from the lab, pharma, and med-tech sectors, and the response was overwhelmingly positive. 

We gained valuable insights and effectively demonstrated how the MARTECH3D platform is an innovative solution to common problems facing the industry; notably, remote product demonstrations within a lab or clean room environment. 

Showcase Products Without the Need for Secure Lab Environments

Having the ability to demonstrate lab products without being physically present in secure lab or clean room environments opens up a world of possibilities for manufacturers, and that’s exactly what the award-winning MARTECH3D platform provides.

We leverage digital twins and 3D virtual environments to give lab manufacturers a powerful tool for product presentation. By creating lifelike, interactive replicas of lab equipment within realistic, walkthrough labs and clean rooms, we enable manufacturers to showcase their products without the need for a physically secure lab or clean room environment.

Combining digital twins, 3D virtual showrooms, interactive product guides, AR product viewers, and 3D product configurators onto one centralised sales and marketing platform, we help lab manufacturers showcase their products like never before. Cutting edge tech for a cutting edge sector - and a sales and marketing strategy that saves time, money, and distances you from the competition. 

Addressing Key Industry Problems 

In addition to providing lab manufacturers with the tools required to demonstrate products from anywhere, 3D marketing and sales can address other key issues facing the lab sector, including: 

  • Complex Product Differentiation

According to a report by Deloitte, 79% of life sciences organisations find it challenging to differentiate their products. MARTECH3D simplifies complex product differentiation by providing a visually engaging platform for clients to understand the uniqueness of each product.

  • Lead Generation

The Content Marketing Institute reported that 61% of B2B marketers struggle with generating high-quality leads. Our platform improves lead generation by capturing potential customers' attention with immersive experiences.

  • Flexibility in the Buying Process

Traditional buying processes often lack flexibility. The MARTECH3D platform gives clients the freedom to explore products at their own pace, reducing barriers to purchasing decisions and accelerating the cycle by as much as 25%. 

  • Sustainability

Sustainability in the pharmaceutical/lab industry is of vital importance as it directly impacts brand reputation. Our platform promotes sustainability by reducing the carbon footprint associated with traditional product demo methods - something that was mentioned as a key priority at Lab Innovations amongst delegates.

  • Shorter Sales Cycles

A study by Salesforce found that 67% of salespeople say they have to wait longer to close deals due to increased competition. Our 3D product configurator helps reduce sales cycles by allowing buyers to visualise product customisations in real time, leading to faster purchase decisions - even of complex lab equipment.

  • Improved Product Education

According to the Content Marketing Institute, 73% of B2B marketers say creating more engaging content is a top priority. The MARTECH3D platform enhances product education by offering immersive, hands-on experiences, reducing the need for extensive content creation and the associated costs and time. 

  • Enhanced Product Engagement

A study by Harvard Business Review found that 65% of buyers are more likely to engage with a product if it offers augmented reality experiences. The MARTECH3D AR product viewer significantly boosts product engagement, leading to higher sales conversions as a result. 


Our experience at the Lab Innovations event was a pivotal opportunity for us to showcase our cost-effective, sustainable, and engaging 3D marketing and sales platform that addresses the lab industry's most pressing challenges. It was great to speak to so many industry leaders and show them how we can help them pave the way for continued success and growth. 

If you’re in the lab sector and missed us at Lab Innovations, book a demo with a member of our team to find out more.

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